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Prophetic Blends A - G


After over twenty years of adding their special beauty,
our elegant bottles have been discontinued.
This is due to problems with cost, quantity and availability over the last three years.

Nonetheless, all your favorite prophetic blends are still available in 1/3 oz Roll On's
as well as a 1/2 oz Refill Size (with dropper) for filling a new bottle of your choice.

For a full line of elegant bottles, please see
Gabreilla's Gifts

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1/3 oz Roll On



Bridal Intercession


Bridal Intercession is a blend of all the intimate anointing oils which include: Holy Intimacy, In Him, Laid Down Lover and The Secret Place.  To this we have added Onycha to speak forth the anointed word of the Lord with true authority.  This comes through a life laid down; leaning our listening ear against the breast of our Beloved. Out of this place of oneness comes power to release those in bondage and to set the captives free.


1/2 oz Bottle



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1/3 oz Roll On




1/2 oz Bottle



Cleansing Fire


This powerful anointing is a combination of

Henna, Hyssop & Cinnamon.


Henna & hyssop collectively represent the application of the Blood of the Lamb. His precious blood covers every sin, cleanses all guilt and shame, removes the veil and restores our ability to have true intimacy without fear of judgment.  As we passionately pursue our Bridegroom King, He continues to cleanse and renew our minds enabling the fire of His holy love to become our portion.


"...and all the world will run to watch you burn."


(Lesley-Anne Leighton)



1/3 oz Roll On




1/2 oz Bottle





How vast and how wide is the favor of God!! No human being has in any way earned, deserved or merited His favor, yet it is this very thing that He desires to bestow upon us.


Within this gratuitous gift of favor lies the grace which enables us to 'be' and to 'do' all that He desires. It is God's grace and favor that makes it possible for us to live in oneness with Him. Favor enables us to receive His divine influence upon our hearts and be a reflection of Him through our lives.


"For the Lord God is a sun and a shield;

The Lord will give favor and glory;

No good thing will He withhold 

from those who walk uprightly"

Psalm 84:11


This anointing oil combines several ingredients to bring forth the revelation of the unmerited gift of favor. First is Pomegranate representing love, Calamus which represents redemption, Henna representing the blood of the Lamb, Myrtle which represents the covering and protection of the Lord and finally Balsam representing healing. All are undeserved yet freely given. To these five oils we've added Myrrh, Aloe and Cassia. Collectively they represent a life laid down, entirely emptied out and filled with the Anointed One.




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1/3 oz Roll On




1/2 oz Bottle



The Fiery Sword


“For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”  

Hebrews 4:12


The anointing represented by this oil is for the sharp two-edged sword (who is Yeshua the Word) to come with the fire of His holy love to destroy all that separates us from Him.  Coriander, representing the word of God and cinnamon, representing the fire of holiness have been blended to bring forth this prophetic anointing.  As we yield to the power of His love, the result is death to the flesh and ever increasing life in the Spirit.  Thus we are transformed into the image of our Bridegroom King from glory, to glory, to glory.



1/3 oz Roll On




1/2 oz Bottle





Throughout scripture figs symbolically represent fertility, fruitfulness and prosperity.  They were known as one of the ‘Seven Species’ of the Promised Land which included wheat, barley, grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives and dates.


Contrary to popular belief the fig is not a fruit.  It’s actually a flower that has turned inward into itself and is known as a synconium.  This flat, wide, floral receptacle closes inward into a fruit-like structure wherein lay tiny sessile flowers.  Here, in the ‘heart’ of the flowers fertilization takes place.


This is an absolutely beautiful picture of the Bride of Christ turning her heart away from the lies, deceits and defilements of the enemy to focus her spirit inward upon the Lover of our soul.  In this place of oneness, true fertilization takes place and the birthing of the Sons of God come forth.


“The fig tree has ripened its figs

and the vines in blossom

have given forth their fragrance.

Arise my darling, my beautiful one, and come away.”

Song of Songs 2:13

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1/3 oz Roll On




1/2 oz Bottle



Garden Blend
In the Song of Solomon chapter 4 verses 12-14 we find a garden that is picturesque of a King’s garden in Biblical days. Locked behind its walls are rare and exquisite plants that in and of them selves seem of little importance. However, using prophetic typology, these seemingly insignificant plants unlock a precious and timely revelation.

They represent the attributes our Bridegroom King finds within the heart of His bride even in her weakness and immaturity...


This very special blend includes

Pomegranate - A heart filled with the fruit of His love

Henna - A heart covered in His redeeming blood

Spikenard - A heart filled with extravagant worship

Saffron - A heart that bears His reflection

Calamus - A heart that belongs to Him alone

Cinnamon - A heart filled with the fire of His holiness

Frankincense - A heart of purity

Myrrh - A heart that says, 'Not my will, but Thine'

Aloe - A heart of maturity

Balsam - A heart fully healed without spot or wrinkle



1/3 oz Roll On




1/2 oz Bottle





When Yeshua formed man from the dust of the earth and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, man became a living being, clothed in the very glory and holiness of his Maker.  Nonetheless, when sin entered, the glory departed and man was found naked.  Stripped of holiness and authority, separated from God, his true identity—lost.


Here we must come to full assurance and settle this truth forever in our hearts.  God did not have ‘plan B’.  We were created to bear His image and bear His image we shall!  The glory of His holiness is returning and we will be the manifestation of the Sons of God in the earth.


The first prophetic anointing oil in this blend finds its typology in the Tabernacle of Moses.  Acacia was incorruptible wood used to construct the entire Tabernacle and its contents, excluding the Laver, the Golden Lampstand, and the Mercy Seat.  All of the acacia wood was completely overlaid with pure gold.  By this symbolism we find Yeshua's incorruptible humanity revealed in the wood and his deity revealed in the gold.


Our portion in the anointing of the acacia oil can be fully apprehended as we examine the framework of the Tabernacle.  There were 20 boards of acacia wood, overlaid with gold, standing upright on the north side and the same to the south.  To the rear, or west end of the Tabernacle, there were 6 upright boards with the addition of two on either side to form the corners.  These were also entirely overlaid with pure gold.  Each board was set securely in sockets of silver, which speaks of redemption.  Symbolically the acacia wood represents Yeshua but it embodies us as well.  We are the ‘earthly boards’ standing upright, shoulder-to-shoulder, resting in the finished work of the cross—forming the living tabernacle of God.  And as we continue to gaze upon Him with an unveiled face, we are being transformed into the same image (gold) from glory to glory.


Glory anointing oil contains acacia which represent us as His living abode.  Saffron is the most expensive spice in the world so we have chosen this oil to signify the gold.  To this we have added cinnamon to represent the restoration of His glory in the beauty and splendor of holiness.


“Arise and shine for thy light has come 

and the glory of the Lord has risen upon thee.

For behold, darkness will cover the earth 

and deep darkness the peoples 

but the Lord shall rise upon thee 

and His glory will be seen upon thee.”

(Isaiah 60:1-2)  

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