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Prophetic Blends P - Y



1/3 oz Roll On




1/2 oz Bottle





“For in the time of trouble

He shall hide me in His pavilion:

In the secret of His tabernacle

shall He hide me;

He shall set me up upon a rock.”

(Psalm 27:5)


In the above passage, pavilion is rendered cok (soke) meaning a hut (as of entwined boughs) a lair, den, pavilion or tabernacle.  The root word cakak (saw-kak') means to entwine like a screen.  By implication it means to fence in and cover over.  Figuratively it means to protect, cover, defend, hedge in and join together.


In these uncertain times many are facing some of the greatest challenges in their natural as well as their spiritual life.  Nonetheless, there is a place of absolute security in the sacred pavilion of our King.  In the secret place of His tabernacle we find unconditional peace and the security of the One who sets our feet upon a sure foundation.


This blend contains Acacia to represent His Tabernacle.  To this we have added Cedar and Pomegranate to represent the love of His intimacy. The final ingredient is the Oil of Joy that we would experience the embrace of our loyal Safe Savior and be wrapped in the fragrance of His garments.




1/3 oz Roll On




1/2 oz Bottle





“To be greater in strength or influence and to triumph”


Through intimate union, the indestructible identity of the Bride is being restored and she is taking her rightful place with her Bridegroom King!! Gone are the days of warring in the ‘second heaven’ realm….

it is under her feet!!!


“He raises up the poor out of the dust,

He lifts up the needy from the dunghill,

to make them sit with princes,

and inherit the throne of glory:

For the pillars of the earth are the Lord’s,

and He hath set the world upon them.

He will keep the feet of his holy ones;

but the wicked shall be put to silence in darkness;

for by his own strength shall no man prevail.”

(1 Sam 2:8-9)


Vested in a mantle of genuine humility true authority is now being declared, decreed and released from the lips of a holy Bride...


“Your lips my Bride drip honey,

honey and milk are under your tongue.”

(Song of Songs 4:11)


This blend includes

In Him (to see who we truly are)

Laid Down Lover (to give our lives away)

Onycha (to speak with Godly authority




1/3 oz Roll On




1/2 oz Bottle





...and He that sits on the throne said, Behold,

I make all things new.

(Revelation 21:5)


Restoration in the biblical sense, means that we receive back more than what we lost; even to the point where the final state is greater than the original condition.  In its purest sense it means that someone or something is improved beyond measure.


Throughout history, God repeatedly blesses people for their faith in the midst of the trials and tribulations of life.  Often times He makes up for loss by giving His children even more than what they had before.


The time is coming and now is the period of the restoration of all things. Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering; for He who promised is faithful!


In this blend we have used Myrrh which represents the death of Christ, Henna & Hyssop which represents the application of the blood and Calamus representing redemption.  These ingredients collectively illustrate the price that was paid for our restoration.  Teshuvah which means to 'return' has been added to show the intentions of the Bride's heart toward her Beloved.  We have completed the blend with Glory to represent the establishment of His kingdom in the earth.


The Secret Place_edited.jpg


1/3 oz Roll On




1/2 oz Bottle



The Secret Place


Each year, in San Ramon California, an annual Garden Party is given in honor of our Beloved Yeshua.  In 2005 the theme for the party was ‘The Secret Place’.  This special blend came forth to anoint all who would respond to His invitation.


We began with myrtle as it represents the adorning flower of the bride as well as the protective covering of the Lord.  To this we added cedar which represents intimacy and pomegranate which represents love.  By way of the prophetic imagery set forth in these oils, we are brought into the secret place of our Bridegroom King where we find intimacy and love under the shelter of His wings.


The River_edited.jpg


1/3 oz Roll On




1/2 oz Bottle



The River


The symbolism of 'The River' is taken from Revelation 22:1 and Ezekiel 47:1-12.  Here we find the river of God proceeding from His throne and bringing life wherever it flows.


Every anointing is found in the River of God and so we have combined the 23 single oils into this unique prophetic oilThe Garden Blend has also been incorporated as we believe the river flows into and out of the garden of God.

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1/3 oz Roll On




1/2 oz Bottle



Throne Room


In 2003, with saddened hearts, two of our most beloved blends were removed from our collection.  The Lord said they had fulfilled their season but would return again. 


Radiant Beauty was a beautiful blend depicting the stunning attributes of our Bridegroom King found in the Song of Songs 5:10-16.  The Sapphire Sea was blended to bring forth the revelation of those who were victorious over the enemy.  In Revelation 15:2-3 we see them standing on the sea of glass, worshiping the Lamb, engulfed in the fire of God’s loving holiness.


Under the guidance of Holy Spirit, Radiant Beauty and The Sapphire Sea have now been blended together with Glory to bring forth a new anointing - Throne Room.  


May this anointing be a constant reminder to you and those you minister to of our eternal destiny...



1/3 oz Roll On




1/2 oz Bottle





I have refined you but not as silver is refined,

I have refined you in the furnace of suffering.

Isaiah 48:10


When we are faced with extremely painful situations in life we are often confronted with the authenticity of our faith.  It is in this crucible we are tested and given the opportunity to enter into a place some will turn away from...Gethsemane.  In this garden our Beloved has shown us, by example, how to endure even the greatest testing of our lives; absolute and unreserved surrender to His loving will; even in our pain and weakness.  Saying yes to the cross set before us enables our place of suffering to become a place of transcendence. 


But we may also glory in our sufferings

because suffering produces perseverance;

perseverance, character; and character, hope.

 And hope does not disappoint

Romans 5:3-5


Transcendence is a blend of Fiery Love, The Oil of Joy and Glory. Collectively these oils represent our willingness to allow the fiery love of God access to every part of our lives. To live a life laid down, entirely emptied out as we transcend from glory to glory


The bottle was chosen to represent our ascent into glory



1/3 oz Roll On




1/2 oz Bottle






What is the deepest cry of our heart?  What are we truly yearning for? This is His question to all of us.  And our only answer, "More of You Beloved......All of You"!


Over several weeks I realized Holy Spirit was bringing forth a new anointing but my constant question was, "How Lord.  How can I perfume a blend that represents all of you".  And finally, in stillness of Spirit I heard, "Empty the cupboards".  In an instant I had revelation!


Yeshua is in every fragrance; in heaven and in earth.  This limits us here in many ways however, my direction from Holy Spirit was clear; to use what He has made available to us.  This includes all the biblical oils plus an additional 21 oils we use for our new perfumes.  The result is a very deep, rich, complex blend unlike anything that has come forth from our blending table.

For He satisfies the longing soul,

And the hungry soul He fills with good.

Ps 107:9


After over twenty years of adding their special beauty,
our elegant bottles have been discontinued.
This is due to problems with cost, quantity and availability over the last three years.

Nonetheless, all your favorite prophetic blends are still available in 1/3 oz Roll On's
as well as a 1/2 oz Refill Size (with dropper) for filling a new bottle of your choice.

For a full line of elegant bottles, please see
Gabreilla's Gifts

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